Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Normal Girl Nutritionist

Hi!! How are you all? I thought I would write a post letting you know a little bit more about me and my thoughts and my life as a nutritionist. Yes, my name is Ayshabibi, I am a nutritionist and I love it! I just stumbled upon this course when looking through UCAS a few months before starting university; I was looking through the course list deciding which one to do and I saw human nutrition, I was intrigued and didn't even know such a course existed and once I read the course description I knew I wanted to do it. And I have never regretted it one bit... (except when having to do stats at university). 

Once I started to learn about food and how it can have such a big influence on our health my passion and love for it grew and grew. I love it when other people get interested in it too. And with the whole obesity epidemic it is always a topic of conversation in every group and there's always an article in the news. It's totally surrounding us, which makes me even happier that I am a nutritionist and that I have the knowledge and background to actually do something about it. 

Being from a south Asian background we are known for our health issues like high blood pressure and heart disease. This is due to our traditional diet being high in fat, salt and sugar. This made me even more determined to work as a nutritionist and especially with people from my community and background to help them adapt their ways slightly and create healthy habits. Because when you look at it, we do have healthy ingredients and a well-balanced diet; lots of fresh vegetables, basmati rice, lentils, beans, it's just our cooking methods and some excess of ingredients that make us fall into the unhealthy trap. These traditional set habits can be difficult to overcome but it can be done and I am will always be working to help and motivate these healthy changes. 

As for me, I was quite unhealthy and I still do have some bad habits which I am uncomfortable with and always trying to overcome. Biscuits are my vices; it's that whole tea time social thing that makes me reach for that buttery high calorie snack which I like to dip into my tea or coffee. That is where I fall. But I learn to control it by putting one or two (or three sometimes) in a small plate beside my cuppa, making me see that that is my allowance and I can have no more than that. When I have herbal tea I don't need to have any biscuits and I did go through a time where I had a detoxing herbal tea at tea times to prevent me from eating those extra unnecessary calories. I still do sometimes, like in the morning I have green tea and sometimes when I'm feeling a pang of hunger in the evenings I have a nice fennel or chamomile tea. Chocolate used to be a vice too but now I only have dark chocolate and only a couple of small pieces a day is enough for me. 
Even though I did a degree in nutrition and I am a nutritionist I am always learning about food and health every single day. I like to think of my myself as a normal girl nutritionist, who loves food and always finding ways of making every day food healthy and being happy at the same time too. Yes, I should be a good healthy role model and I hope that I am but I want to be a realistic role model. For me it's all about balance and moderation. (Click here to find out what I mean and how I do it). 

Oh yeah I love coffee too, I am going a bit coffee crazy at the moment and going on a bit of a coffee crawl. Let me know if you would like to hear about my trips to new cafés that I am always exploring (and regular cafés too). There's always a new place popping up in the smallest of places, some are average and some have some really nice food and drinks available. 

Hope you liked this blogpost, a little bit of an insight into me and my life. I love hearing from you guys, so don't forget to comment below or send me a message via contact me! 

Helping you find a healthy and happy balance.

By Ayshabibi H.
12th August 2014

A H Nutritionist 
Be Happy! Be Healthy! 

Written in Creperie Du Monde :-) 
P.S. I'm going to write a review on Creperie soon!  


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