Monday 3 June 2013

EVENT: Organic & Natural Beauty Show 2013

I got a request by email to attend the Organic & Natural Beauty Show. Being into all things natural I decided to register for a free ticket and go. I went just for a fun day out and to find out what natural products are out there for us to use (and also for the freebies!). ;-)

We use so many products, sometimes we forget how much chemicals we are exposed to. We sometimes think nothing of it as it part of our everyday life, from moisturisers to home cleaning products to hair products.

As I went around the exhibition and I got talking to many of the stall holders, it all started to make sense to me the importance of using natural products. As a nutritionist, I promote eating and drinking natural food and drinks, so why shouldn’t I be using natural products on the exterior of my body as well as the interior. I picked up a few samples from the exhibition which I am going to try out and it has got me thinking that maybe I could offer these natural organic products to my clients too.

One of the product ranges that I was excited to pick up was Samina’s Pure Make-up which is now called SamPure Minerals. I had seen it on Facebook before and it caught my attention. I always browse their website from time to time wanting to try out their products but never actually taking the plunge, so you imagine how excited I was to see them there. Samina herself did a little makeover on me and told me which products suited my skin tone and how to apply the different products. I was very happy to see my flawless face in the mirror from just a couple of products. It’s all natural and halal certified, which appeal to the Muslim community.

I got a few Aloe Vera products for my brother to try out as he suffers from eczema and Aloe Vera is well known to have healing properties on skin conditions. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which soothes the skin and heals it back to its original form. The best thing about Aloe Vera is that it can be used as it is and the gel inside the plant can be applied directly onto the skin.

There is a wide range of natural products out there for us to use, like, moisturisers, shampoo, conditioner, facial oil, body oil, cosmetics and fragrance.

Here are some tips that I picked up on at the show:
  • Coconut oil is a very beneficial oil. It is a good moisturiser for the body, hair treatment and can even be used in cooking.
  • A facial oil should be used at least once a day to moisturise face, even for oily skin. It balances out the pH in our skin, moisturises, nourishes, soothes and detoxifies the skin. Oils that can be used are; hemp, lavender, camomile, safflower, olive, castor oil. You could even make your own mixtures for different parts of your body. I will explore that another day.
  • Our vitamin D levels are so low we are making it worse by using sun block and spf products. We just about get some sunshine in the UK and when we do we block it out by using spf products. This has caused rickets and arthritis to increase in the UK population. I am not saying not to use sun protection at all, just try not to overuse it, the sun is not all bad, it is our main source of the very essential vitamin D. Our vitamin D levels should be about 80ng/ml. So, one obvious thing we could do is take a vitamin D supplement, other ways to increase it is to use a Better You DLux mouth spray, which can be found at Holland and Barret. It is so simple and easy to use it’s almost laughable how much you can change so easily. It’s a peppermint flavour so it freshens the mouth as well with no bitter after taste. If only everything else was this simple.
  • For those of you who suffer from skin conditions or have sensitive skin, and can’t find a solution, you’ve tried all the different allergy tests, creams and steroids, try getting a chlorine filter for your shower heads or taps. Chlorine is a chemical which can be a bit too harsh on sensitive skins.

I will try out the products and let you know how I get one, and maybe you never I may just start offering natural herbal treatments, like facials and body massages. I could even make my own products using fruits and oils. Let me know if that is something you would be interested in.
Be Natural. Be Healthy.
A H Nutritionist
3rd June 2013

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